Wednesday, September 12, 2018

S.H.E - 十七




Key: D

Capo 2 – Play C


lC  lF  lAm7 lGsus4 G l x2


   F                   G                 C

在无穷无尽之间 充满呐喊的子夜

    F                  G  C

十七岁的我们 在哪 边

   F                   G                 Em  A7

在未来摊开之前 期待又怕受伤害 是我

   F                  G            C

和你和你说著梦想 说着心愿

    F                  G                 C

在有来有往之后 三种特别的语言

    F                  G Am7

上天选了我们 围成 圈

    Dm7             G                 Em  A7

在潮起潮落之间 将我环绕的世界 拾起

   F                   G            C

许多情节 如此和谐 如此无间


   Am7           F           C G

时间的长河 我非你们不可

   Am7           F           C

缘分的比喻 汇流成一首歌

          Esus4 E


          Am7 Am7/G D/F#

从还懵懂 的青        春

   Dm7           Gsus4 G

变成 最重要的人


      C          G/B       Am7 Am7/G

* 也许经历过聚散和离分

F           G           C Bb G


    C          Bm7b5 E     Am7 Gm C7

我们的生命却     不断延伸

F            G

更多的回忆 不停诞生


lC  lG/Bb lFmaj7 lG# Bb l

lC  lG/Bb l

          Fmaj7 G# Dm7 E



       F            G         Am7

我们的感情 不是什么新闻

       F            G          C

你身边也会 有珍惜你的人

          Esus4 E


          Am7 Am7/G D/F#

最想祝福的你          们

   Dm7           Gsus4 G

懂得 活着的快乐 *


G#                               Ebmaj7

一起走过了 彼此一半的 人生

Fm         Fm/Eb   Gsus4 G

陪伴只会累积得更深 *


    C           Bm7b5   Am7 G

就一起走着 走到了永恒

F           Gsus4     C

还请你们陪我们 见证


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Protégé JR restoration + Fishman pickup installation


Few months back I got a Protégé JR off Carousell. It was cheap; the seller had good reviews so I make the rookie mistake of not checking before buying.


Basic information about the guitar: 3/4-sized, laminated sapele top, sapele back and sides, nato neck, ebony bridge, rosewood fingerboard.


Protégé is the budget lineup of Maestro guitars (think Sigma to Martin, Epiphone to Gibson); construction is out-sourced to other guitar manufacturers.


There was no serial number so I couldn't tell the year of production; I'm guessing ~2013. Those produced after that have their fret markers left-aligned rather than centered.


First impressions: tone was fuller and more resonant than expected for a small body guitar. I had previously owned another JR that has an airy hollow-y tone.


Action was unusually high and my worst fears were quickly confirmed; top was bellying and bridge was lifted.



So I guess I got myself a restoration and upgrade project.


Took me a few weeks to assemble the assortment of tools required and a few months to find the time to start work.


1. Fixed the lifted bridge.



Used a thin plastic strip to spread gorilla glue into the crevice between bridge and top; clamped it with 3x F-clamps (120x300mm); cleaned up excess glue with damp cloth; left it to cure overnight.


2. Opened port for pre-amp



Used the crude method of drilling holes around the perimeter before using a penknife to carve out the port.


Opening the port allowed a sneak peak into the guitar construction.


Surprisingly the guitar had a fan bracing which is traditionally used in classical guitars.



Braces were well-finished with no cracks or splints that are often seen in budget guitars.


Sadly, as heralded by the bellying top, three of the braces have become loose just under the bridge.


Without proper tools for gluing back the three braces, I decided to leave it for another day.


3. Drilled hole in saddle slot for the sonicore piezo pickup.



4. Enlarged hole in end block for pin jack.


This part turned out to be the most challenging for I did not have the correct drill bit for a 12mm hole.


So I drilled the biggest hole I could get ~6 mm and spent the next few hours enlarging the hole with hand files.


The lil one wanted a go at it too!



5. Installed new bone saddle


I got another nasty surprise on removing the existing saddle. It appears that the original bone saddle had been swapped out! It is bad enough that the new saddle is made of plastic, it was also unevenly sanded!



So I got a new 71mm saddle, sanded down the thickness to fit into the slot and the height to compensate for the piezo pickup.


6. Finishing touches


Cleaned up the fretboard with lemon oil and #0000 steel wool; secured the end pin jack and preamp, put on 0.010-0.047 strings to reduce tension on the top.



Looking good! It's testing time!



Love the mic blend knob which makes the output sound more natural and less piezo-like.


Future work


#1 To glue back and secure the loose braces.


#2 To remove the bridge completely. Sand and clean the contact surfaces and reglue the bridge.

Monday, September 3, 2018

张碧晨 - 曾经守候


词:潘云安 曲:刘胡轶


Key: G


lCmaj7 D/C lBm7  l

lAm7 C/D lBm7 Em l

lF lC/E lAm7 lDsus4 D l


       G                  Bsus4 B7

那时候 天空青涩灰濛    而你

   Em   Em/D Cmaj7      Am7 D       Bm7 Em

向往 湛蓝  大地 我想我不能    阻碍你的旅行

   F                C/D D

牵着手 练习著失去

Em D/F# G                  Bsus4 B7

骗   自    己 不再为你倾心    沉默

   Em Em/D C        Am7 D        Bm7   Em

却有更多  话语 没想过我 早已经没有权利

   Am7     D    Gsus4 G

你是我 最好的相遇


      Am7 D         Bm7 Em

~ 而我      无法忘记

          Cm7 F    Bbmaj7

你的眼睛 我的呼吸

   Am7 B7       Em Em/D A/C#

而你     你却轻易

       Am7          D

离开了我 无声无息


     Cmaj7 D/C  Bm7      Em

* 曾经   守候 我给你我所有

       Am7 D     G           Dm7

你给的 承诺 全都消失 无踪

G7  Cmaj7 D/C  Bm7      Em

我还在   等候 灯火阑珊回眸

   Am7       D    Gsus4 G


Cmaj7    D  Gsus4 G

再一次为你 承受 ~ *


    Cmaj7 D/C  Bm7      Em

曾经    守候 我给你我所有

       Am7 D             G   Dm7

我毫无  保留 你却保持沉默

G7   Cmaj7 D/C  Bm7  G/Bb

我还在    等候 雨过天晴笑容

   Am7       D   Gsus4 G


Cmaj7     D    Cmaj7

愿为你 一生守候


D/C lBm7 Em lAm7 D lGmaj7 l