Saturday, February 28, 2015

苏永康 - 路直路弯 ("黑夜彩虹" 主题曲)


Key: C#

Capo 1 – Play C


Intro: lF9 C/E lDm7 Am7 lBb    lE    l


       C                        Bdim          E                 Am7 Am7/G 

从未滴下汗水 怎么可以和谁人竞赛 并不奢望天使会慷慨

       D/F# Fm      Em        A7    Dm7       Fm        Gsus4 G

眼未曾  睁开 又那会看见色彩 尚未耕耘 凭什么等喝采

          C                         Bdim         E                   Am7 Am7/G

无法子善待自己 怎么可以和情人热爱 学懂珍重 分开也 可爱

       D/F#  Fm       Em       A7    Dm7       Fm/G     C Gsus4 G

跌下来亦精彩 让我创奇蹟意外 自命天才 跌一跤懒感慨


         C               G/B            Am7      Em

* 没有天黑黑 没有星闪闪 就算晦暗都璀璨

      Dm7           Dm7/C        F           Gsus4 G

有一天休克 学爱惜呼吸 谁又会运气不减

          C            Em            Am7   Gm  C7

当一天终止 就有新开始 愉快难过转眼

       D7/F# Fm   Em  Am7 D7      Dm7       F/G        F9 (intro)

跌入无底    深潭 人生急 转弯 努力难停站 狂澜能够力挽


       C                         Bdim         E                  Am7 Am7/G

前面路直路弯 敢跨出去为时仍未晚 在这黑夜 星宿更抢 眼

       D/F# Fm     Em        A7    Dm7       Fm        Gsus4 G

有面前 高山 自有勇气去高攀 越是艰难 才越不肯折返

          C                         Bdim         E                   Am7 Am7/G

谁也知尚未入黑 灯色多美仍然难耀眼 逆境底下 一生更 璀璨

      D/F#    Fm      Em        A7     Dm7      Fm/G     C Gsus4 G

再困难 亦要行 面对错折不放慢 巨浪翻腾 上刀山我都惯 *


Friday, February 27, 2015



Key: F#

Capo 6 – Play C


曹格 :宝贝,跟爸爸一起唱歌哦

Joe&Grace :Ok!

曹格 :啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦

Joe:我来咯! 白日依山尽 黄河入海流欲穷千里目 更上一层楼

Grace :哥哥 唱得不对啦 拜托拜托,你听我唱

老爸,老爸,我们去哪里呀啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦

Grace : 干嘛笑我! Joe : 你都唱破音了!


F               C           F               C

我的家里有个人很酷 三头六臂 刀枪不入

F     G    C       Am7 Dm7      G       C

他的手掌有一点粗    牵着我学会了走路


F                   C            F                 C

谢谢你关顾 我的小怪物 你是我写过最美的情书

F        G       C    Am7 Dm7      G       C

钮扣住一个家的幸福    爱着你呀风雨无阻


      C/F    C/G  C          Am7 Dm7   G           C

* 老爸   老爸 我们去哪里呀    有我在就天不怕地不怕

    C/F  C/G  C          Am7 Dm7   G       C

宝贝 宝贝 我是你的大树    一生陪你看日出


F                   C            F                 C

这是第一次 当你的老爸 我们的心情都有点复杂

F        G        C        Am7 Dm7       G       C

你拼命发芽 我白了头发     一起写下一撇一捺 *


我的老爸 是个神话 (当然咯)

搞定老妈 绝代风华 (哈哈)

就算有天 你掉光了牙 (哎呦)

我也可以 带你去 火辣辣 (耶) * *


   C/F     C/G  C          Am7 Dm7   G           C

老爸   老爸 我们去哪里呀    你就是我的天大和地大

    C/F     C/G C           Am7 Dm7   G       C

宝贝    宝贝 时间的手一挥    你是永远的珍贵


白日依山尽 黄河入海流

欲穷千里目 更上一层楼

啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦

啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦


潘玮柏 - 忘记拥抱


Key: G#

Capo 1 – Play G


Intro: lAm7   lGmaj7  lAm7 D7 lBm7 E lAm7   lC/D    l


Am7             D7 Gmaj7         Em13

你给的回忆太好  像刺青很难抹掉

Am7             D7              Gmaj7

我一直保持微笑 真的我 别被妳看到

Am7             D7 Bm7             E

我逃进汹涌人潮  寻找藏身的一角

       Am7       C/D           G Dm7

我眼泪不敢掉 我快要受不了


  G7      Cmaj7        D/C               Bm7                   Em

* 忘记了拥抱 忘记了微笑 忘记我们曾经是那么那么样的好

          Am7    C/D    Gmaj7 Dm7  

我们都太骄傲 话说的太早

G7      Cmaj7        F7/C          Bm7                 E

是谁的怀抱 是谁在苦笑 回过头是谁偷偷把眼泪擦掉

       Am7          C/D          G (G/B C C/D)

抱歉是我 傻得可以 是我 不好


                 Ebmaj7   F        G

记忆的拼图 没有真心 拼凑不了

    Gm        Ebmaj7  F        D7sus4

幸福的城堡 跌跌撞撞才看的到 *


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Russian Red - I Hate You But I Love You ("冲上云霄" OST)


Key: D


      D           Bm   A              G     D            Bm                     A    G

You were so high above in the sky I just keep feeling like a little child


  G             A                 D              Bm                            G

* I hate you but I love you I just can't take how beautiful you are

             A                     D             

I hate to say this but my eyes go blind

G             A                 D                 Bm                               G

I hate you but I love you my favourite song becomes a healing sign

             A                               D

I have to tell you this Cause my heart goes wild


D                   Bm  G                 A

Oh you are so high a dove in the sky

D                            Bm                

Everytime I travel far I think about you by my side

     G                          A

To any of those places I cannot go by *


Friday, February 20, 2015

郑秀文 - Over The Rainbow ("冲上云霄" OST)


Key: A

Capo 2 – Play G


G               Bm7                 C           Bm7 Bbm7

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high

Am7         C/F                      D7                G

There is a land that l heard of once In a lullaby

G                Bm7                 C            Bm7 Bbm7

Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue

Am7      C/F                              D7                     G

And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true


         G                                          C/G                                               C

Someday I will wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far Behind me

          G                                             A7    

Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops

           D7                 F

That is where you will find me


   G               D/F#                 C/F          Em7

* Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly

Am7  C  Bm7     Em7     F                  D7           G Bb A7

Birds fly over the rainbow Why then oh why can’t I

G                D/F#                 C/F         Em7

Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly

Am7 C   Bm7     Em7     F                  D7           G Bm7 C C

Birds fly over the rainbow Why then oh why can’t I


There have the little bluebirds Fly not on the rainbow

There have the little bluebirds Fly beyond the rainbow

If have the little bluebirds Fly beyond the rainbow Why oh why can not I *


王菲 - 执迷不悔


Key: A

Capo 2 – Play G


G                 Bm7 C           G Em        Bm7 C           D

這一次我執著面對 任性地沉醉 我並不在乎 這是錯還是對

G        Bm7    C       D      C         Cm    D       G

就算是深陷 我不顧一切 就算是執迷 我也執迷不悔

G              Bm7 C           G Em        Bm7 C        D

別說我應該放棄 應該睜開眼 我用我的心 去看去感覺

G          Bm7  C    D        C           Cm   D        G

你並不是我 又怎能了解 就算是執迷 讓我執迷不悔


   C                     D            Bm7               Em     

~ 我不是你們想的如此完美 我承認有時也會辨不清真偽

C                  D            C                                    D

並非我不願意走出迷堆 只是這一次 這次是自己而不是誰


   G             Bm7        C             G

* 要我用誰的心去體會 真真切切地感受周圍

Am7        G/B        C                 D

就算痛苦 就算是淚 也是屬於我的傷悲

G                 Bm7        C             G

我還能用誰的心去體會 真真切切地感受周圍

Am7       G/B         C             D      G

就算疲倦 就算是累 也只能執迷 而不悔


周杰倫 - 听爸爸的话


Key: C


     Cadd9               Bm7b5   E7   Am7                 Gm        C7  Fmaj7 

* 你听爸爸的话 说我不是个好东西 送给你的花 不配放在你家花瓶里

          C/E           Dm7       F/G       G

他要我越走越远越好 不要在一起那最好

       Cadd9              Bm7b5   E7   Am7                  Gm       C7   Fmaj7

但我听妈妈的话 要我不能轻易放弃 还喜欢的话 让我再追回你求求你

          C/E           Dm7       F/G            Cadd9 F/C Cadd9 F/C

难道你要我不孝顺吗 这是借口 你应该懂吧


C             G/B                Am7    Am7/G    Fmaj7

你说 谁说 我说 我不爱了 胡说 瞎说 我习惯了

                        Am7             Am7/G

那菸和酒 也都戒了 证明有多在乎你呢

C                         Am7                Fmaj7

光上一句我想你懂 我真的不太会说话

       C/E    Dm7     E  E/G# Am7

你看你 笑了吧 你说我 算了  吧


         Em      Fmaj7   C        G#maj7                            G

~ 一个人 的爱情 很简单 两个人的相爱 为什么反而变得很难


                    Cadd9   Bm7b5 E7          Am7     Gm

† 我受够 我的爱你比较多    也受够 你的爱沉默很久

C7      Fmaj7     Em7       Dm7              G

承诺太多 多少会错 你宁愿难过 也不要有结果

                 Cadd9    Bm7b5 E7         Am7       Gm

我受够 我的爱你比较多     倒不如回到从前的自由

C7      Fmaj7     Em7       Dm7       F/G            Cadd9

说好放手 谁先开口 没有对错 反正花开了 终究会落


C             G/B                Am7    Am7/G   Fmaj7

你说 谁说 我说 我不爱了 胡说 瞎说 我习惯了

   C/E               Dm7        E    E/G# Am7

那菸和酒 也都戒了 证明有多在乎 你呢 ~ * †


F/C                      C F/C                       C

难道你要我不孝顺吗 这是借口 你应该懂吧


张学友 - 你说的


Key: G


G           Bm7       Em      C           Dadd11

路走到了尽头 就没有 说不出又代表了什么

G           Bm7       Em      C            Dadd11

最好的有太多 心动过 退缩了 放弃了谁的错


Am7      G/B            Cadd9              Cadd9 Dadd11

拼过全部对手 得到了最后 赢不得一刻真心   为我

Am7      G/B               Cadd9            Dadd11

也许因为不同 拼贴不出结果 要的不是我的寄托


         G               Bm7       Cmaj7              Dadd11

* 你说你爱我 却又让我走 甜蜜的借口 融不掉一夜的痛

       G               Bm7       Cmaj7              Dadd11

你说你爱我 只有你懂我 昨天犯的错 变成一辈子的祸

      Bm7    Em      Bm7        Em        Em/D

你别说 我不懂 分开是 天长地久的一种

   Am7        C    D    G Bm7 Em C     D    G Bm7 Em C

我不能相信 那是你说的              那是你说的


       G               Bm7       Cmaj7              Dadd11

你说你爱我 却又让我走 甜蜜的借口 融不掉一夜的痛

       G               Bm7       Cmaj7              Dadd11

你说你爱我 只有你懂我 昨天犯的错 变成一辈子的祸

       G      Bm7 C Dadd11     G       Bm7 C Dadd11

你说你爱我                    你说你爱我

Bm7          Em      Bm7       Em        Em/D

你别说 我不懂 分开是 天长地久的一种

   Am7        C    D    G Bm7 Em

我不能相信 那是你说的

C           G Bm7 Em C G Bm7 Em


C    D     G Bm7 Em C    Dadd11 G

那是你说的              那是你     说的


Selina 任家萱 - 3.1415


Key: C#

Capo 1 – Play C


Cmaj7 E    Am7    D7      Dm7                 G

3.1      415 一個神奇常數 它顯示了 生活最舒服的態度

Cmaj7 E          Am7 D7          Dm7                G

這地球明明就是圓的 證明無誤 但世界卻有太多尖銳角度


      Cmaj7           Em                   Am7            Em Gm 

* 不怕臉像個月亮 只要我能照亮 每一個朋友的心房

   C7 Fmaj7           C/E    Am7    Dm7                  G G7b9

反正 圓得恰到好處 我很滿足 天色越暗 越能美得清楚

          Cmaj7           Em                   Am7            Gm

或許腰少了一點弧度 體重多點刻度 但一顆心穠纖合度

C7  Fmaj7            C/E Am7       Dm7          G G7b9   Cmaj7

我的熱情沒有尺度 愛心無數 面積讓別人去在乎 不怕束縛


Cmaj7 E   Am7    D7      Dm7                 G

3.1     415 一個神奇常數 它解答了 什麼是完美的相處

Cmaj7 E          Am7 D7           Dm7                G

人瞳孔生來就是圓形 確認無誤 看到的事物 何必充滿角度


   G#maj7  Cm7           Fm         G    Cm7

從不在乎誰笑我圓 多一個笑容 就是幸福

   G#maj7             Eb/G                    Fm           Bb 

更不試圖改變這圓 因為圓有圓的美 只有圓沒有終點 *


Thursday, February 19, 2015

陳慧珊 - 我不愛你 ("冲上云霄"片尾曲)


Key: G#

Capo 1 – Play G


       G                  D/F#             Em                Bm7

競技場 如同宏大布景 可惜我未盡情 無能為力高興

       C                  G/B           Am7              D

大教堂 鐘聲都夠好聽 可是仍然要 回頭覓更好風景

          G                  D/F#             Em               Bm7

~ 也明暸 誰人流汗最多 愛我從未停過 可惜出了差錯

       C                  G/B               Am7             D

別再哭 我要另選一個 從來未感動我 我卻為了他顫動更多


   Bm7                      Em        Em/D

即使世界上 剩餘幸福 都要放低我

       Am7       C           F       Dsus4

尚有一句說話 可聽得進你的耳朵


  D     G               D/F#      Em            Bm7      C

* 我不愛 要送給我都一樣不愛 若最得我心的未到來 (讓我得到只懂在發呆)

                 G/B              A7/Bb            C/D    D

如何奉上感情 為何浪費熱情 如何能讓我閉著眼睛

    G              D/F#      Em            Bm7       C

而我 踏過幾個花園未相愛 緣份亦都不一定會來

                 G/B Em        Am7       C/D        C 

從來沒有保證 仍期待會盡情 就是我最動人的愛 ~


   Bm7                      Em        Em/D

即使世界上 剩餘綠洲 都快要經過

      Am7        C           F        Dsus4

就叫乾旱降臨 認真的我會改變麼 *


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Triumph in the Skies《冲上云霄》Movie Review


If there is one festive movie you should watch this Lunar New Year, it has gotta be《冲上云霄》Triumph in the Skies.


The film follows the hugely popular drama and its sequel which are adored for their heart-warming love stories that revolve around the people in the aviation industry.


A fan of the series, I was smitten with its sophisticated plot, memorable characters, majestic cinematography, breath-taking sceneries in beautiful locations, and the portrayal of the workings of the aviation scene.


Although the big screen instalment takes on a fresh storyline and cinematic direction, the movie still oozes the fundamental elements that made the drama a hit back then.


With only 100 minutes to offer, the movie was stripped of the convoluted love tangles and elaborate aviation happenings, down to three simple love stories of Sam and TM, Branson and Cassie, Captain Cool and Kika.


Depending on what you choose to focus on for the movie, you’ll either love it or hate it.


For me, it’s the former and here are my six reasons for why you should catch the movie:


#1 Spectacular Cinematography


Like the drama, the cinematography of the movie is spectacular with the exquisite pans and tasteful macro shots. Coupled with the warm filters applied in several scenes, it’s hard not to fall in love with the movie.



#2 Celebrated Cast


The star-studded ensemble consists of the existing cast Francis Ng (Samuel Tong), Julian Cheung (Jayden a.k.a Captain Cool) who are joined by Louis Koo (Branson) Sammi Cheng (TM), Charmaine Sheh (Cassie) and Amber Kuo (Kika).



Although the new additions did not get sufficient exposure to fully develop their characters, I thought they were really well picked for their roles, from Louis as the rich, adventurous aviation empire heir, Charmaine as the demure damsel lost in love, Sammi as the rocker chick with a soft side to Amber as the spunky carefree lassie.


#3 Simple and Sweet Plot


The plot may appear to lack depth, which is exacerbated by comparisons to the 40-episode drama, but I find it more realistic and just the right acuteness to be romantic without being over melodramatic. Like love songs, the best ones usually are usually the simplest.


The underlying themes of love withstanding the test of time, illness and contrasting personalities are charmingly accentuated in swoon-worthy scenes such as that of Branson unhinging Cassie’s drain-lodged heel in the sprinkle of the London rain, and that of Jayden wrapping Kika is his coat when she was feeling chilly in the windmill meadows.



#4 Comic Relief


As in the drama, the character of Samuel Tong provides much of a comic relief. I find it impossible not to crack up at the subtle expressions of Francis Ng on his otherwise stoic face whenever his solemn no-nonsense disposition is challenged.


#5 Beautiful Scenery


Carrying on the tradition of having breath-taking location sets, the movie features the picturesque scenery in the lands of England.



#6 Captivating Soundtrack


The drama propelled several songs to popularity; the most famous of which has to be the opening theme 岁月如歌. Every time I hear the opening notes of the song, my mind never fails to conjure images of cruising amongst the clouds.


In the movie, there is also the sprinkle of sentimental English songs that are eased into the background to accentuate the mood of the scene.


[Chords] 郑秀文 - Over The Rainbow

[Chords] Russian Red - I Hate You But I Love You

[Chords] 陈伟恩 - Hold on, Watch on



While on the topic of drama-to-movie adaptations, the missus raised a rather blood-curdling thought:


What if《夜市人生》was adapted into a film *shudder*?


Triumph in the Skies opens in cinemas on 19 Feb 15.


Many thanks to Clover Films for the invitation to the movie premiere.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

张翰 - 做最爱你的朋友 ("胜女的代价"片尾曲)


Key: C


Cadd9              G/B E  Am7                A7

你和我的话语变得 不多 有时会用力回避和折磨

       Dm7 G        Em    A7       Dm7      Fm/G

彼此 的感受 怎会一眼看透 是不是都已经倦了

Cadd9              G/B E Am7                 Fmaj7 

一个人默默的走了 很久 在心里无人知晓的角落

C/E Dm7  G      Em     Am7    Dm7                    F           G

深埋的寂寞 都是因你复活 在最脆弱的时候 抬起头有你望着我


         Cadd9          G/B               Am7                   Em7

* 就算是不能够握紧你的手 没关系我可以就这样做最爱你的朋友

       Dm7 Fm         Em  Am7   Dm7      Fm         G

我不像你 难过会是 因为我 你已经为了我付出你的太多

       Cadd9          G/B           Bb                A7

就算是永远都站在你身后 没关系我愿意做最爱你的朋友

       Dm7  Fm   Em  A7          Dm7                   Fm      G           C

从此后的快乐 都是属于我 这是我唯一和最后的要求 做最爱你的朋友