Monday, April 30, 2012

陈小春 - 我爱的人

Key: D
Capo 2 - Play C
C        Fmaj7 G       Am7
Fmaj7 Dm7 Gsus4 G/F

Em7 Fmaj7 G E/G# Am7 Am7/G
陪我过没有了她的人 生
Fmaj7 F/G Csus4 C

C Fmaj7 G Am7
Fmaj7 Dm7 Gsus4 G/F

Em7 Fmaj7 G E/G# Am7 Am7/G
爱不到我最想要爱的 人
Fmaj7 Gsus4 G

            C            G/B Am7       Am7/G Fmaj7 G           C
* 我爱的人 不是我的爱人 她心里每一 寸都属于另一个人
Dm7 C/E F G/F Em

她真幸福 幸福得真残忍
Am7 Dm7 D/F# Bbmaj7 F/G
让我又爱又恨 她的爱怎么那么深
G/B C G/B Am7 Gm C7/E Fmaj7 G C
我爱的人 她已有了爱人 从他们的眼 神说明了我不可能
Dm7 C/E F G/F Em Am7 Dm7 G Fmaj7

每当听见她或他说我们 就像听见爱情永恒的嘲笑声
(play last * in C#)

吴克群 - 残废

Key: Ab
Capo 1 - Play G
G                  Em7              Cadd9              C/D     G/B
爱你行动不变 追不上你的美 脚步再快 跟不上你的嘴

Am7 Am7/G D D/C G/B G D/F#
分开我骗了谁 想擦掉你的脸 擦不掉痛却更 明显
       Em        D D/C  Bm7       Em Em/D
你说你要的世界 在很远 我不瞭解

Am7 Am7/G D/F# C/E D9
分手就分手 别把 话说得太美
     D/F# G                     D/F#                 Em                   G/D
* 我像个 残废 飞不出你的世界 借不到一点安慰 为什麼你拼命后退

C Bm7 E Am7 Dsus4 D
退到了边界 结果我没了 知觉 就连痛都嫌浪费
D/F# G D/F# Em G/D
在爱裡 残废 非弄得伤痕累累 累到我无力再追 最怕你突然要挽回

C Bm7 E Am7 D9 G
回到了原点 原点却又像终点 然后 多痛 一遍

Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star

Key: Dm
                   Dm7                                        E7b9   
~ Just like a star across my sky Just like an angel off the page

Am7 Am6
You have appeared to my life Feel like I'll never be the same

Dm7 E7b9
Just like a song in my heart Just like oil on my hands

Am7 Bbmaj7
Oh I do love you
          C7        Fmaj7                      E
* Still I wonder why it is I don't argue like this
Am7 Gm C7 Fmaj7 E
With anyone but you We do it all the time Blowing out my mind
                Dm7                                                  E7b9   
You've got this look I can't describe You make me feel like I'm alive,
Am7 Am6
When everything else is au fait Without a doubt you're on my side
Dm7 E7b9
Heaven has been away too long Can't find the words to write this song
Am7 Bbmaj7
Oh Your love *
                 D9                                         E7
Now I have come to understand The way it is
Am9 G7sus4
It's not a secret anymore 'cause we've been through that before
D9 E7
From tonight I know that you're the only one
Am9 G7sus4
I've been confused and in the dark Now I understand * ~

陈芳语 - 爱你 ("翻糖花园" 片尾曲)

Key: A
Capo 2 - Play G
   Gadd9 E7sus4 C      Cm(maj7) Cm/D
我闭上眼睛 贴着你心跳呼 吸

Gadd9 E7sus4 C D
而此刻地球 只剩 我们而已

Gadd9 E7sus4 C Cm(maj7) Cm/D
你微笑的唇型 总勾着我的 心

Gadd9 E7sus4 C D Gadd9
每一秒窗外 我每一秒都想要吻你
     D/F# Em          Cmaj7     G       D 
* 就这样 爱你 爱你 爱你 随时都要一起
Em Cmaj7 G D
我喜欢 爱你 外套 味道 还有你的怀里
Em Cmaj7 G D
把我们 衣服纽扣互扣 那就不用分离
Am7 G/B C D G
美好爱情 我就爱这样贴近 因为你
Gadd9 E7sus4 C        Cm(maj7) Cm/D
有时没生气 故意闹脾气
Gadd9 E7sus4 C D
你的紧张在意 让我 觉得安心
Gadd9 E7sus4 C Cm(maj7) Cm/D
从你某个角度 我总看见自己
Gadd9 E7sus4 C D Gadd9
到底你懂我 或其 实我本来就像你 *
Cmaj7       G    Am7           G Am7 G/B D
想变成你的氧气 溜进你身体里
Cmaj7 G Am7 D
好好看看在你心里 你有多么宝贝 *
   Am7   G/B     C        D         G
我们爱情 会一直没有距离 最美丽

十月合唱团 - 红红的太阳

Key: A
Capo 2 - Play G
G                    D                Em              Bm7
什么时候我才能学会飞翔 在万里无云的天空里昂扬

C G Em Am7 D
世界竟是如此的宽广 印入眼底的是红红的太阳

G D Em Bm7
请让我就这样的学会飞翔 在你的天空里尽情的昂扬

C G Em Am7 D G
生命在此刻不断的成长 你就是我那红红的太阳
   D             G           D  Em        Bm7
* 你就是我那红红的太阳 红红的太阳 喔~

C D7 G
D G D Em Bm7
你就是我那红红的太阳 红红的太阳 喔~
C D7 G
       Em                                   Em
Am7 D
黑暗之中我已迷失了方向 在绝望的前方是你温柔的光 *

Saturday, April 28, 2012

群星 - 明天會更好

Key: B
Capo 4 - Play G
       G              C           G              D
轻轻敲醒沉睡的心灵 慢慢张开你的眼睛

Em Bm7 C D
看看忙碌的世界是否依然 孤独的转个不停

Em Bm7 C D G D/F#
春风不解风情 吹动少年的心
Em A7 A7 D
让昨日脸上的泪痕 随记忆风干了

抬头寻找天空的翅膀 候鸟出现它的影迹

Em Bm7 C D
带来远处饥荒无情的战火 依然存在的消息

Em Bm7 C D G D/F#
玉山白雪飘零 燃烧少年的心

Em A7 D G D/F#
使真情溶化成音符 倾诉遥远的祝福
   Em               Bm7              C        D         G
* 唱出你的热情 伸出你的双手 让我拥抱着你的梦
Bsus4 B C
Em Bm7 B Em Em/D
让我们的笑容 充满着青春的骄傲
       G    G/B    C            G              D
谁能不顾自己的家园 抛开记忆中的童年
Em Bm7 C D
谁能忍心看那 旧日的忧愁 带走我们的笑容
Em Bm7 C D G D/F#
青春不解红尘 胭脂沾染了灰
Em A7 D G D/F#
让久违不见的泪水 滋润了你的面容
Key: C
Capo 5 - Play G
       G              C           G              D
轻轻敲醒沉睡的心灵 慢慢张开你的眼睛
Em Bm7 C D
看看忙碌的世界是否依然 孤独的转个不停
Em Bm7 C D G D/F#
日出唤醒清晨 大地光彩重生
Em A7 D G D/F#
让和风抚出的音响 谱成生命的乐章
   Em               Bm7               C        D         G
~ 唱出你的热情 伸出你的双手 让我拥抱着你的梦
Bsus4 B C
Em Bm7 B Em Em/D
让我们期待明天会更好 ~

许茹芸 - 泪海

Key: D
Capo 2 - Play C
C                            F               Dm7       G        C    G/B
爱已不能动 还有什么值得我心痛 想你的天空 下起雨来
Am7 Em F G C
没人心疼的黑夜 脸颊两行咸咸的泪水
F Fm Dm7 G
是你 哦是你 让我望穿泪水 肝肠寸断
             C       G/B          Am7 Am7/G
* 你怎么舍得让我的泪流向海
F C/E Dm7 G
付出的感情永远 找不回来
C G/B Am7 Am7/G

F C/E Dm7 G C
伤心的往事一幕幕 就像潮水 将我淹埋
Em                       Am7    
闭上了双眼 还看见和你的缠绵
Em F C/E Dm7 G
眼角的泪水 洗不去心中 一遍一遍的誓言 *

(Play * in C#)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

倪安東 - 让我爱她

Key: C
Intro: lC    lAm7  lFmaj7 G lC    l
C                                 Am7 
会不会 横越的吊桥粉碎 过两天 曾与她亲密依偎
Fmaj7 G C
坐的地铁 就脱轨

C Am7
三秒内 这摩天轮若倾斜 昏迷间 她那颤抖的指尖

Fmaj7 G C
会不会愿意 让我牵
      Fmaj7                 Em7   G
~ 亲爱的 如果 你要 挑选我们啊

Fmaj7 Gsus4 G
再等我 一下 我还没说爱她
                C                Am7 
* 你闹够了没 做一个人 已经那么累
Fmaj7 G C G
你千万别趁我有她陪 定我的罪
C Am7
你看到了没 爱让我 流胆怯的泪
Fmaj7 G Fmaj7 G C
能不能闭一只眼 放过这一对 可能会 幸福的一对 让我爱她
C                                 Am7 
会不会 有瘟疫传染了肺 或明天 城市在烽火沦陷
Fmaj7 G C
来不及爱 已终点
C Am7
既然说 人都会生离死别 我许愿 期限内要见的面
Fmaj7 G C
你别来搅局 请走 ~ *
lEb  Bb  lCm  Gm  lG#  Eb  lCm  Bb  l
           G#                 Eb
啊~ 我 越想睡 越怕黑 越醒着 越怕鬼
Cm Bb
越爱她 越是自卑 疑神疑鬼
G# Eb G7
恳求你 可怜我 别让我 乐极生悲
             C                Am7 
你闹够了没 爱一个人 已经那么累
Fmaj7 G C G
谁会幸运获得你慈悲 永远约会
C Am7
你看到了没 世界上 你造成的泪
Fmaj7 G Fmaj7 G
能不能闭一只眼 过这一对 可能会 幸福的一对
Fmaj7 G C Am7
能不能睁一只眼 看看我下跪 让我爱她
Fmaj7 G C
再给我一百年也不够 我爱她

Monday, April 23, 2012

动力火车 - 忠孝东路走九遍

Key: Eb
Capo 3 - Play C
C              G/B               F           C
这城市满地的纸屑 风一刮像你的妩媚

Dm7 Em F D/F# G
我经过的那一间鞋店 却买不到你爱的那双鞋

黄灯了人被赶过街 我累的摊坐在路边
Dm7 Em F G C

看著一份爱有头无尾 你有什么感觉
Dm7                      E          Am7
耳 听见的每首歌曲 都有我的悲

F C/E Dm7 D/F# G
眼 看见的每个昨天 都有 你的美
        C                 G/B        F               Em
* 哦~忠孝东路走九遍 脚底下踏著曾经 你我的点点
F C/E Dm7 G
我从日走到夜 心从灰跳到黑 我多想跳上车子离开伤心的台北
C G/B F Em
忠孝东路走九遍 穿过陌生人潮 搜寻你的脸
F C/E Dm7 G C
有人走的匆忙 有人爱的甜美 谁会在意擦肩而过的心碎

Sunday, April 22, 2012

周渝民 - Make a Wish ("橘子醬男孩" 片尾曲)

Key: B
Capo 4 - Play G
G       G/B         C           G D/F#
当泪似流星 滑过手心
Em Bm7 Am7 D Am7 D
别伤心 不要紧 这个世界 还年轻 (我们的梦 还年轻)
G G/B C G D/F#
爱没有翅膀 也能飞行到你心

Em Bm7 C G/B Am7 D
别害怕 别担心 难道你没感应 这爱情好坚定
               G                 Bm7            Em                   Bm7
* Will you make a wish make a wish 闭上眼睛 愿望是口井

C G/B Am7 D
Make a wish make a wish 你会听见真诚的回音
G Bm7 Em Bm7

让我们 Make a wish make a wish 一起约定看最美风景 
C G/B Am7 D G
这一切都不会是 梦境
C G/B Am7 D G
只要你全心全意 相信

Friday, April 20, 2012

陈伟联 - 我只是想要

Key: G
Gadd9                 D6/F#  Gadd9 D6/F#    Em9 Em/D
找寻一个没有寂寞的地方 一个你和我的天堂
Cmaj7 Bm7 Em

就算是勉强 曾经走过的每一个荒唐
Am7 C Dsus4 D
紧握着你的手 再多困难我们都 坚强
Gadd9 D6/F# Gadd9 D6/F# Em9 Em/D

找寻一个没有方向的地方 oh 只有你和我能飞翔
Cmaj7 Bm7 Em

爱情的前方 有些模糊也有一些彷徨
Am7 C Dsus4 D

紧握着你的手带你流浪 一起仰望
      G          D/F#           Em          Em/D
* 我只是想要一些疯狂 和拥抱你的希望
C G/B Am7 Dsus4 D
或许迂回辗转万般艰难 只用心的将你牵拌
G D/F# Em Dm7 G7
我真的想要一些疯狂 和亲吻你的力量
Cmaj7 G/B Em Am7 D Cmaj7
拥抱你哭泣 陪你伤心 绝不会让你受委屈
Cmaj7               G/B              Am7                     Em       D
我用想念的距离 化身一颗星 我拼命闪耀为你照亮 黑暗中的阴影 oh
Cmaj7 G/B E Am7 C D D#
我用最后的生命 持续着呼吸 只为了等待 拥抱你 *
(play * in G#)

李圣杰 - 抱歉

Key: G
Gadd9                 D/F#   Em                 Em/D 
忘了我们是在什么时候 选择放开彼此的手
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 D Am7 D
忘了我们为了什么理由 才会让你一个人走 (才确定不能再挽留)
Gadd9 D/F# Em Em/D

为什么总失去后才懂得 才发现你对我最重要
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 D
为什么到后来我才有听说 你最爱的人还是我
   Em         Bm7        Cmaj7   Dsus4 D 
不想妥協 不想眷戀 我想你在身边
  Gadd9                 D/F#   Em                         Em/D
* 能不能够让我们重来一遍 你是否对我还有相同感觉

C Am7 Dsus4 D
我不想要再对自己抱怨 也不想再狼狈

Gadd9 D/F# Em Em/D
能不能够让我们回到从前 回到那一天当我们还相恋
C Am7 Dsus4 D C
你说过要陪我走到永远 还是你在敷衍
    C           Am7      Dsus4 D          C
你说过要陪我走到永远 但你却说抱歉

乔毓明 - 有些男孩不能爱

Key: B
Capo 4 - Play G
Gmaj7    D/F#   Em7 D    Cmaj7 G/B
人多时我更沉默 好方便藏躲

Em/A G/B Fmaj7 D
怕被问起旧生活 心情又大雨滂沱

Gmaj7 D/F# Em7 D Cmaj7 G/B
别人嘴里刚听说 他并不爱我
Em/A G/B Fmaj7 D

说他脑海太混浊 看不清如何捉摸
            Cmaj7        G/B            Am7 D    G
* 我以为能深埋 以为能明白 有些男孩 不能爱
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 A7/C# D
否则没了关怀 却还难忘怀 实情我也 说不上来
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 B Em
好多的夜要挨 脸色都苍白 有些男孩 不能爱
Em/D Am7 G/B Cmaj7 D Gmaj7
眼泪 沾到流海 我却不知道悔改
Gmaj7    D/F#   Em7 D    Cmaj7 G/B
往前直走会多错 管他右或左
Em/A G/B Fmaj7 D

别想自转的陀螺 停下就只有笨拙
Gmaj7 D/F# Em7 D Cmaj7 G/B

窗外渐清的烟火 他可想起我
Em/A G/B Fmaj7 D
为照亮你而执着 烧成灰不假思索 *
Cmaj7                   G/B                  Am7  G/B   Cmaj7    D
说真的 他人并不坏 受过伤 难免表现有点跩 对人不懂得疼爱
          Cmaj7        G/B            Am7 D    G
我以为会深埋 以为能明白 有些男孩 不能爱
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 A7/C# D
得不到他关怀 却还难释怀 见到他就又想重来
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 B Em

选择一个人爱 心已被收买 有些男孩 不能爱
Em/D Am7 G/B Cmaj7 G/B Am7 G/B Cmaj7 D Gmaj7

仍舍 不得责怪 感情为非作歹 眼泪沾到流海 我却不知道悔改

黄湘怡 - 温室的花 ("橘子酱男孩" 主题曲)

Key: E
Capo 4 - Play C
C           G           Dm7       F 
记得国中时的我们 爱发白日梦的天真
C G Dm7 F
傻傻的说长大后想嫁人 真爱的人

C G Dm7 F
我们像是漫室的花 不曾经过风吹雨打

C G Dm7 F
想象中的世界是完美 完美无瑕
C   G  Dm7    F           C   G  Dm7 Em F    G
Do Do 我要保留的纯真 Do Do 没有什么值得牵挂
C           G           Dm7       F
看看长大后的我们 各自被爱伤得很深
C G Dm7 F
才发现这世界是残忍 太少诚恳

C G Dm7 F
虽然有点心灰意冷 唱唱歌让情绪暖热
C G Dm7 Em F G
想想其实也没有什 么 大不了的
C   G  Dm7    F           C   G  Dm7 Em F    G
Do Do 我还是一样开朗 Do Do 没有什么值得烦呀
C G Dm7 F C G Dm7 Em F G C
Do Do 喔 我要保留的纯真 Do Do 没有什么值得牵挂

范逸臣 - I Believe

Key: G
G    D/G       C           G B Em   A        Cm        D
I Believe当我在你家门口 下雨了 你看了也会难过
G D/G C G B Em A Cm D
I Believe你不说话的时候 也是一种 其实你在回应我
C     G/B        Am7 D    G        Em        A            Am7      D 
虽然不曾说 相信你 正在懂 就算牵的不是我的手 我不真的难过
  G        Am7      Bm7    E      Am7      Am7/G# Am7/G   D 
* 不知道在高兴什么 你的笑容 有时候也宁可当作你在为我加油
G Am7 Bm7 B/Eb Em Em/D Em/C#
不知道在妄想什么 只告诉自己 I Believe 你总会看到我
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 D G
1. 在某个时候 想让你陪伴的是我
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 D C
2. 在一切之后 留在你身边的是我
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 D Em A7
3. 在很久以后 留在你身边的是我
Cmaj7 G/B Am7 D G
会陪着你的人 是我
G    D/G       C           G B Em   A        Cm        D
I Believe 没有回应的时候 只不过 正好你在电话中
G D/G C G B Em A Cm D
I Believe 语音信箱的沉默 也是一种 其实你在倾听我
C     G/B        Am7 D    G        Em        A            Am7      D
虽然不曾说 相信你 正在懂 就算牵的不是我的手 我真的不难过
C              B               Em     D          Cmaj7   
那延续太久的一时冲动 在你身后的独角戏
E Am7 D/F# B Em Ebmaj7 Gsus4 D
聚光灯没亮过 怀疑 是自己编造的内容 你从不真的认得我 *

黄小琥 - 伴 ("再见单人床" 主题曲)

Key: A
Capo 2 - Play G
Gadd9               A7/C# Gadd9              Bsus4 B
如果 命运可以订做 如果 有另一次选择

Em D C G/B Am7 A7/C# D9
我想我 还是会 把手让你紧握 快乐地陪你去 坎坷
Gadd9 A7/C# Gadd9 Bsus4 B
就算 你有天变落魄 就算 你老得不能动
Em D C G/B Am7 A7/C# D9 D

我想我 还是会 挽着你看日落 你的心疼在泪光中
   Gadd9                  D/F#
* 嘴巴上 彼此嫌麻烦 眼神中 关怀那么满

Em D C D D/F#
没说爱 却早已认定一辈子的伴

Gadd9 D/F# B B/Eb Em A7/C#
在人前 从来不浪漫 在心中 却总为对方 打算
Am7 D9 G (C)

最懂的人 最暖的伴
Gadd9               A7/C# Gadd9              Bsus4 B
就算 我以后变啰嗦 就算 我老了有病痛

Em D C G/B Am7 A7/C# D9 D
我想你 还是会 照顾我到最后 隐藏脆弱不眠不休 *
          C            G/B           Am7          D9           G
没有辛酸 没有遗憾 什么是陪伴 什么是心安 你是答案

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

伍家辉 - 灰 ("香火"片尾曲)

Key: B
Capo 4 - Play G
Cadd9     Bm7       Cadd9   D     Gadd9
落叶飘零 蒙了眼睛 我的思念 没人 聆听
Cadd9 Bm7 Em Am7 D

欲言又停 理不尽数不清 扰人的拉扯 扬起灰烬
  Cadd9     D            Bm7      Em
* 就算宿命 迂回作弄 无悔一次心动
Am7 D Dm7 G7

灰了红颜 愁了笑容
Cadd9 D Bm7 Em
就算云烟 乱了时空 敌不过一阵风

Am7 D Gsus4 G
一缕散去 无轻重
Cadd9     Bm7       Cadd9   D      Em7/9
一生的情 早就注定 逃不过这 一场 冥冥
Cadd9 Bm7 Em Am7 Cmaj7 D
残缺心灵 如果我都安静 你会不会把 遗憾说明 * *

Sunday, April 15, 2012

蔡順鵬 - 爱上你不奇怪 ("弹簧床先生"片尾曲)

Key: C
       Cmaj7        Em7    Am7                   Em7
说来奇怪 在茫茫人海 有成千上万的人为爱在等待
Fmaj7 C/E Am7 Dm7 G
要是对上了眼 就爱的死去活来 好象没有几个人能够例外
Cmaj7 Em7 Am7 Em7
说来精彩 在茫茫人海 有成千上万的人可以让我去爱
Fmaj7 C/E Am7 Dm7 G Cmaj7 G
我却选择了你 也爱的死去活来 好在你也 没有把我拒于门外
            Cmaj7           Em7              Am7              Em7
* 爱上你不奇怪 是上天的安排 爱上了你的好 也爱上你的坏
Fmaj7 C/E Am7 Dm7 G
我愿意为你做牛做马做饭做菜 只要是你喜欢的 I always like to try
Cmaj7 Em7 Am7 Em7
爱上你不奇怪 是上天的安排 爱上你像大人 也爱你像小孩
Fmaj7 C/E Am7 Dm7 G
你一定累了吧 因为你常在我的心理 跑来跑去 左右徘徊
Because you are always on my mind

Friday, April 13, 2012

F4 - 烟火的季节 ("流星花园II"片尾曲)

Key: A
Capo 2 - Play G
Gadd9     G/B C                 D 
你微笑的眼 我看到無數的晴天
Em D C D D/F#
吻你的臉的那一天 擁有全世界

Gadd9 C Am7 D
未來是一個圓圈 在你我無名指尖

Em D C D
為我們諾言來加冕 完美的句點

Em D C G
~ 要把你擁進我外套的裡面 為你擋風雪 

Am7 G/B C D
讓你靠在我的肩 分享每一個明天
   Gadd9    C                  D           G D/F# 
*牽你的手去感覺 煙火最迷人的季節 
Em Am7 C Fm D
照亮幸福的瞬間 好讓我們看得更 遠
Gadd9 C D D/C B7
牽你的手去感覺 煙火最迷人的季節

Em Bm7 C D Gadd9
點亮生命的一切 綻放我們的喜悅 在愛你的每一天*
Gadd9     G/B C              D  
珍藏的畫面 全都是你的情節 
Em D C D D/F#
思念停格在你的臉 溫暖不會減

Gadd9 C Am7 D
未來是一個圓圈 在你我無名指尖

Em D C D
為我們諾言來加冕 完美的句點 ~ *
       Cmaj7                            G/B
過去現在或未來 也期待 將你的愛下載 

E Am7 D
永遠不更改 有信心這樣愛 *

(play * in G#)

张韶涵 - Journey ("海豚湾恋人"主题曲)

Key: Bb
Capo 3 - Play G
Intro: IGadd9     IAm7/G    IGadd9     IAm7/G    I
        Gadd9    Am7/G        Gadd9                                 Am7/G
It's a long long journey Till I know where I'm supposed to be
Gadd9 Am7/G Gadd9 Am7/G
It's a long long journey And I don't know if I can believe
Bm7 C
When shadows fall and block my eyes

Bm7 C D
I am lost and know that I must hide
Gadd9 Am7/G Am7 D Gadd9
It's a long long journey Till I find my way home to you
Gadd9 Am7/G Gadd9 Am7/G

Many days I've spent Drifting on through empty shores
Gadd9 Am7/G Gadd9 Am7/G
Wondering what's my purpose Wondering how to make me strong
Bm7 C
I know I will falter I know I will cry

Bm7 C D
I know you'll be standing by my side
Gadd9 Am7/G Am7 D Gadd9 D/F#
It's a long long journey And I need to be close to you
Em               A/C#           D
Sometimes it feels no one understands

Em F# B
I don't even know why I do the things I do
Em A/C# F#m Bm7
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul
Cmaj7 F#m7 C
Will you break down these walls and pull me through
                  Gadd9    Am7/G        Gadd9                         Am7/G
Cause It's a long long journey Till I feel that I am worth the price

Gadd9 Am7/G Gadd9 Am7/G
You paid for me on calvary Beneath those stormy skies
Bm7 C
When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes

Bm7 C D
It feel like everything is out to make me lose control
Gadd9 Am7/G Am7 D Cm Dm Gadd9
It's a long long journey Till I find my way home to you to you

许绍洋 - 花香 ("薰衣草"主题曲)

Key: G
G           D/F#       Em        Bm7
风没有方向的吹来 雨也跟着悲伤起来
C G/B Am7 Dsus4 D

没有人能告诉我 爱是在什么时候悄悄 走开
G D/F# Em Bm7

风伴着花谢了又开 雨把眼泪落向大海
C G/B Em C Dsus4 D

现在的我才明白 你抱着紫色的梦选择 等待
   G          D/F#           Em       Bm7
* 记忆是阵阵花香 我们说好谁都不能忘
C G/B Em

守着黑夜的阳光 难过却假装坚强
Am7 G/B C Dsus4 D

等待的日子 里 你比我勇敢
G D/F# Em Bm7

记忆是阵阵花香 一起走过永远不能忘
C G/B Em

你的温柔是阳光 把我的未来填满
C Dsus4 D G

提醒我花香常在 就 像 我的爱

Sunday, April 8, 2012

La Guitarra Nostalgia

I was there at the AHS Guitar Ensemble concert "La Guitarra Nostalgia" at Tampines East CC Auditorium. Though it's been more than a decade, things haven't changed that much; the curved staircase leading to the entrance, the preparation room plastered with mirrors, and of course our evergreen instructor Mr Shi and teacher-in-charge Mrs Koh. The auditorium was a tad smaller than what I remember though.

It was heartwarming when the ensemble played the trademark song "Besame Mucho", one of my favorite pieces as a student. I remember liking the song so much that I learnt all the three parts (which I ashamedly can no longer play). Gone are the amplifier-supported acoustic and bass guitars, replaced by more rhythm guitarists and the double bass; the changes producing a more natural and harmonious adaptation.

After a slightly shaky opening, the ensemble gained confidence and showed their "SYF gold" mettle with endearing performances of pieces such as Mulata, Lover's theme and It's a Small World. Also worthy of mention is the solo performance of Taylor Swift - Back To December by Andrea. I was so captivated by her soulful and emotive rendition. Keep singing girl!

Reading the foreword in programme booklet, I am filled with respect for Mr Shi and Mrs Koh who been with the ensemble since its formation in 1984. It’s been an amazing 28 years. In this day and age, it’s rare for a teacher to stay in the same school for that long, let alone take charge of the same CCA.

I’m really grateful and proud to have once been part of the ensemble.

Taylor Swift - Back To December

Key: D
Intro: lD      lBm  G   l x2
I'm so glad you made the time to see me
How's life, tell me how's your family
I haven't seen them in a while
You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather

Your guard is up, and I know why
Bm                           A
Because the last time you saw me
It's still burned in the back of your mind
Bm A G
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
       D                                                            F#m
* So this is me swallowing my pride Standing in front of you saying
"I'm sorry for that night" and I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
F#m G
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine

I'd go back to December turn around and make it all right
Bm A

I go back to December all the time
lD      lBm  G   l x2 
These days I haven't been sleeping
Stayin' up playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn't call
Then I think about summer all the beautiful times
I watch you laughing from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall
Bm                              A                           D                         G
And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind
Bm A G
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye *
         D                         A                                      G
I'd go back to December turn around and change my own mind
Bm A
I go back to December all the time
                 Bm               G
I miss your tan skin your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
Bm G
And how you held me in your arms
D A Bm
That September night the first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking Probably mindless dreaming
If you loved again I swear I'd love you right
         Bm                    A                   G
I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
Bm A G
So if the chain is on your door I understand *

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bruno Mars - It Will Rain

Key: D
D                           F#m  D                                       F#m
If you ever leave me baby Leave some morphine at my door

Em Bm7
‘Cause it would take a whole lot of medication

Em A
To realize what we used to have We don’t have it anymore.
D F#m

There’s no religion that could save me
D F#m
No matter how long my knees are on the floor
Em Bm7
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I’m makin’

Em A
Will keep you by my side Will keep you from walkin’ out the door
            G                  A          F#m            Bm7 A
* Cause there’ll be no sunlight If I lose you, baby
G A F#m Bm7 A
There’ll be no clear skies If I lose you, baby

G A F# Bm7 A Em
Just like the clouds My eyes will do the same, if you walk away

A D F#m D F#m
Everyday it will rain, rain, rain
D                                    F#m
I’ll never be your mother’s favorite
D F#m
Your daddy can’t even look me in the eye

Em Bm7
Oooh if I was in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing
Em A

Sayin there goes my little girl Walkin’ with that troublesome guy
D F#m
But they’re just afraid of something they can’t understand

D F#m
Oooh well little darlin’ watch me change their minds

Em Bm7
Yeah for you I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try

Em A
I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding If that’ll make you mine *
               Em         F#m               Em         F#m
Don’t just say, goodbye Don’t just say, goodbye

I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding If that’ll make it right *

Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger

Key: G
Just shoot for the stars if it feels right
And aim for my heart if you feel like
Em Bm

You take me away and make it okay, I swear I'll behave
You wanted control so we waited
I put on a show now we're naked

Em Bm

You say I'm a kid, my ego is big, I don't give a shit And it goes like this
* Take me by the tongue and I'll know you

Kiss me 'til you're drunk and I'll show you

All the moves like Jagger, I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the mooo-ooo-ooves like Jagger
I don't need to try to control you

Look into my eyes and I'll own you
With the moves like Jagger I've got the moves like Jagger

I've got the mooo-ooo-ooves like Jagger
Baby it's hard when you feel like
You're broken and scarred, Nothing feels right

Em Bm
But when you're with me, I make you believe that I've got the key
So get in the car, we can ride it

Wherever you want get inside it

Em Bm
And you want to steer, But I'm shifting gears, I'll take it from here

And it goes like this *
You want to know how to make me smile
Take control, own me just for the night

But if I share my secret, You're gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this
So watch and learn, I won't show you twice
Head to toe, ooh baby, rub me right
But if I share my secret, You're gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this *

Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone

Key: A
Capo 2 - Play G
Intro: lGadd9    lD/F#       lEm7    Em7/D lCadd9     D l
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories they're haunted

Em7 Em7/D Cadd9
We were always meant to say goodbye

Gadd9 D/F#
Even with our fists held high It never would've worked out right

Em7 Em7/D Cadd9
We were never meant for do or die
Am7                    Am7
I didn't want us to burn out

Cadd9 Cadd9
I didn't come here to hold you, now I can't stop
  Gadd9          D/F#                            Em7    
* I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Em7/D Cadd9 Dsus2
Where we take this road someone's gotta go

Gadd9 D/F# Em7
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
Em7/D Cadd9 Gadd9
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone
Gadd9                                    D/F#
Looking at you makes it harder But I know that you'll find another

Em7 Em7/D Cadd9
That doesn't always make you want to cry
Gadd9 D/F#
Started with a perfect kiss then we could feel the poison set in
Em7 Em7/D Cadd9

Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
Am7                 Am7             Cadd9     Cadd9
You know that I love you so, I love you enough to let you go
Gadd9          D/F#                            Em7  
I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Em7/D Cadd9 Dsus2
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
Gadd9 D/F# Em7
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
Em7/D Cadd9 Gadd9
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone
D/F# Em7
I'm already gone, already gone
Em7/D Cadd9 Gadd9
You can't make it feel right when you know that it's wrong
D/F# Em7
I'm already gone, already gone
Em7/D Cadd9 Gadd9
There's no moving on so I'm already gone
D/F# Em7 Cadd9
Already gone, already gone, already gone
Gadd9 D/F# Em7 Cadd9
Already gone, already gone, already gone, yeah
Gadd9                                           D/F#
Remember all the things we wanted Now all our memories they're haunted
Em7 Em7/D Cadd9
We were always meant to say goodbye